(MA-8) Modifying Bookings

What sets Workshop Angel apart from other booking systems is the ability to have payment schedules and make changes to a booking after it has been made. People's circumstances change, and it creates a very client centric business to be able to handle change requests with ease.

This lesson summarises the types of modifications that can be made, and points you to the specific lessons which discuss the details of how to make those changes.

Managing Cancellations

Workshop Angel makes it very easy to manage cancellations. You can choose whether to retain the money the client has made as a credit for a future activity, or to issue a refund.

You can read all about the details of managing cancellations in lesson MF-5.

Modifying The Payment Schedule

When an attendee pays a deposit at the time of booking, they then have a Payment Schedule which defines the other payment(s) they are due to make.

The Payment Schedule can be changed from the booking/invoice window:

For details of how to work with the Payment Schedule, see lesson MF-6.

Changing The Amount To Be Paid

You may find yourself agreeing a new price for an attendee to attend your activity. Here are a few examples of scenarios of what can happen with attendees:

  • They agree to help out with the running of the activity and you offer them a discount for doing this.

  • There are price options for things like accommodation or meals and they change their mind.

  • They cancel, and you take a cancellation fee before offering them a refund.

All of these situations require you to make a change to their booking/invoice, and Workshop Angel offers you complete flexibility in doing this via the Change Invoice tab of a booking/invoice:

All the details about doing this are discussed in lesson MF-7.

Moving a Booking to Another Activity

This is very easy to do in Workshop Angel, and you can see where this is done on the Invoice Items tab in the above image.

If they move to a similar activity, the process is very simple.

There can be more implications if they move to a significantly different kind of activity, but all these situations can be handled! For all the details, see lesson MF-8.


We have seen how easy it is to make changes to your bookings: you can change the payment schedule, manage cancellations, change the amount to be paid, and move a booking to another activity.

So that brings us to the end of the chapter on Managing Attendees!

You have learned how to manage attendee notes, messages, payments and responses. We've covered managing waiting lists, and all the possibilities around making changes to an existing booking.

The next two chapters take us deep into the world of creating and sending messages.

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