(DM-8) Working with Images and Attachments

You may have seen some references to the ability to embed images and attachments into your messages. In this lesson we dig into all the details of how to work with these types of files and messages!

The Big Picture - Embedding and Linking Files

You may not be aware, but there are technically two different ways that an image or attachment file can be sent in an email.


Embedding a file involves turning its content into a mass of encoded text, and for that text to be added to the bottom of the more readable text that you wrote in your message. All modern email systems are capable of recognising this encoded text, and decoding it to display the image or file download link when the email is received.

This is the method most commonly used when you send image and attachment files using systems such as gmail. When sending a single email to a few people in such a system, it is the easiest method to use.


Linking involves first uploading the image or attachment file to a web server where you can then obtain a link to the address where it is located. This link can then be included in an email or a text message that you send.

This method involves the extra step of uploading the file, but once this is done, it enables you to reference that file much more easily if you are sending many different messages.

And Workshop Angel Uses...?


So you first upload the file to our file server (at files.workshop-angel.com) where it is given a unique name, and you can then link to the file again and again as you send different messages for your activities.

Important to Know

It is very important for you to know that...

How to Upload Files

You can upload a file by going to one of these locations:

This opens the File Upload window, either for images, or attachments. The process of uploading either is the same, so we will follow the process for an image.

The image will upload.

The app has the idea of giving the image or attachment a name:

If you are immediately wanting to add a link to the file into your message, then:

When you have finished, click on [Close] to close the File Upload window.

Adding An Image To an Email

There are two stages to adding an image to your email. The first is to have the image URL in your paste buffer, and the second is to add the image into your message.

Capturing the Image URL in Your Paste Buffer

There are two ways to do this.

If you have just uploaded an image and clicked on the link at the bottom of the File Upload window then you will have the URL in your paste buffer.

If you wish to use an image that you have previously uploaded:

This will bring up the Manage Images window.

This will copy the link/URL to your clipboard.

To add an image to your message:

This brings up the Insert Image window:

The image should now appear in your message!

Recommendations About Image Sizes

When you embed images in your emails to create a more graphic design style, you need to pay attention to the size of the image that you use. This is because when the email is read on a mobile phone, if you use an image that is too wide, it often causes the text of the email to appear very small.

We recommend that any image you embed is no more than 500 pixels wide for this reason. You may need to experiment with the image width a little to get the look that you want for your message both on mobile phones and laptops.

Adding an Attachment to an Email

You will be adding your file to the email as a link in the email text your write, rather than as an actual attachment.

Follow these steps:

The words "Click here" will now be a link to your file.

Attachment Method for Sensitive Information

As we discussed earlier, if you have some sensitive information in a PDF or Word file, this could potentially be found by the search engines and read by others. If this is the case, we recommend that you actually send the file from your conventional email system where it will be embedded into the message you send.

To do this:

The Copy Contact List window pops up:


We have discussed the two ways that image and attachment files can be included in an email - by embedding, or by linking. We have looked at how Workshop Angel uses the linking method, and how to use the user interface to upload your file and obtain a link to where it is stored. We've then looked at how to include that link in your email, both for images and for attachments.

Finally, we have discussed how attachments that use the linking method could be found by a search engine, and looked at an alternative way to send attachments which are embedded in an email sent from your own email system.

Finally in this chapter about defining messages, we are going to talk about working with Text/SMS messages.

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