(MC-2) Additional Contact Features

In the first Contacts lesson chapter we have looked at all the fields which can describe a contact.

In this lesson we look at all the other features available when working with a single contact's record, before going on to look at working with lists of contact in lesson MC-3.

Contact Notes

You can make as many notes about your contact as required. To do this you have a large rich text field available to type and format the notes.

To access the Contact Notes area, you can either:

The Contact Notes window will appear on the right hand side:

You can type any notes you choose and format them using the options in the editor menu.

To save your notes:

Contact Alert Level

You can set an alert icon for a contact, to raise your awareness that there is something about this person you should be aware of.

To change the Alert Level

When the alert level is set, it shows either an orange or red icon to indicate a Raised or High alert level respectively:

Upon noticing the alert level when searching for a contact, you can then take a look at your notes to be aware of what you are raising an awareness to.

A Raised or High Contact Alert Level is also shown against an attendee in the Bookings area:

Contact Finances

You have the ability to see in a contact's record the bookings/invoices which are in their name.

To see a contact's finances:

This will show a list of the bookings/invoices and payments in the contact's name:

To view the details of one of the invoices:

The invoice window will open:

From this window you can perform all of the operations described in the managing finances chapter, lesson MF-2.

You create a new invoice for a contact directly from this Contact's Finances screen:

You can also a new payment from here too:

Activities Attended Screen

For each contact you can see a list of the activities they have attended, and the notes you made about their attendance at that activity.

To see a contact's activity record:


Contact Mailing Subscriptions

Workshop Angel includes a complete marketing email subscription system, which is described in detail in lesson MC-4.

To see a contact's subscription history:


This will display the Mailing Subscriptions screen for the contact:

Sending The Contact an Email

You can send the contact an email directly from the Contact Search or Contact's record areas.


This will display the Send Email window. Full details of how to use this are described in lesson DM-7.


We have looked at the other features available when working with an individual contact's record.

We've covered making notes about the contact, setting an alert level to raise awareness of something we should know about them, working with their finances, viewing the activities they have attended, and seeing their mailing subscription status. We've also seen where you can send the contact an email, and create them an invoice, or a payment.

There is lots of information associated with a contact to work with!

In the next lesson we will look in more detail at how to work with the contact search and how to create contacts lists for sending bulk emails.

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