(DM-2) Standard Messages - The Big Picture
Let's head into the details of message creation by looking at all the Standard Messages.
Standard Messages - What They are For
There are 11 standard messages that are copied to each activity that is created.
Each one has a specific function in the process of taking a client from booking onto an activity to the time you want to follow up after the activity has completed.
Some are sent to each attendee, and some are only sent to the lead attendee, who is the first attendee whose details are entered. This attendee is considered to be responsible for payment of the booking.
Here they are:
The second icon next to each one is used to indicate how and where the message is used:
These are sent from the booking form.
Place Booked - sent to each attendee, to confirm that they have been booked onto the activity. It is an Activity type of message.
Payment Received - sent to to the lead attendee if they made a card payment at the time of booking, to acknowledge receipt of the payment. This is a Payment type of message. This message is also used whenever a payment is recorded against attendance at the activity.
Payment Due - sent to the lead attendee if they elected to pay by a non-card method, to remind them that a payment is due along with the methods of how they can pay. This is a Booking/Invoice type of message.
These are send from the Bookings or Finances area of the app, just to the lead attendee.
They are all Booking / Invoice type of messages.
Payment Reminder - designed to be sent to the lead attendee when a payment is due in 5 days time.
Payment Overdue - designed to be sent when the date a payment is due has passed without the payment being received.
Invoice Copy - designed to send a link to the lead attendee which allows them to view and print their invoice.
These are all sent from the Bookings - Messages area of the app, to all attendees. They are designed to send practical information for everyone attending at different stages before and after the activity.
Joining Instructions - the main information about the practicalities of preparing for and arriving at the activity.
Just Before - designed to be sent out a few days or a week before the activity with last minute information and reminders.
Just After - intended to send out soon after the activity has completed with follow-up information.
As well as these three messages, you can create an unlimited amount of customised attendee information messages.
These two messages are used for waiting list management.
Waiting List Added - automatically sent to a client from the booking form when they attempt to book onto a full activity and elect to be placed on the waiting list.
Waiting List Place - can be sent from the Bookings - Waiting List area when a new place comes available.
Default Messages
When a new "empty" activity is created, the standard messages that are copied to it come from an area called "Default Messages", which you can find when you:
Go to Activities - Default Messages
Click on Messages - Standard (...)
As you are setting up Workshop Angel to use with your activities, we recommend that you customise these messages to be in your own style before creating all the activities you are going to be running.
It is important to remember that messages are copied from Default Messages to a new activity. Therefore changes made the Default Messages do not change the contents of messages in activities you have already created.
Similarly, when you copy an activity, the messages are copied too, so changes to messages in the original activity are not reflected in the new copied one.
We have taken a look at all eleven standard messages that are always part of an activity. We now know what function they serve, how they are sent to clients, and how to change the default messages.
We are now ready to dive into the details of the messages themselves.
Last updated